Paradise Lust Update II: Dating Games

This is a big systemic update; we added in the re-playable chatting system, which feeds into the dating sim mechanic. We've added 150 different questions, and each girl has custom answer to give. This lets you explore their personalities, learn about them and ultimately grow closer to them.

The next step is to port that over to the mobile phone (so you can also chat with them at night), and to get them sending selfies like these back.

Apart from that the update adds a new fishing minigame, extends Raven's conversation and adds more content to the Resort location.



paradise_lust_0_3_4.apk 442 MB
Dec 11, 2020 484 MB
Dec 11, 2020 482 MB
Dec 11, 2020 479 MB
Dec 11, 2020 482 MB
Dec 11, 2020

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(1 edit)

It was looking  to be so fun, but it hungs my S20+ android Phone on first graphics. It hungs it the way that I cannot ewentualnie close app and hard reset is needed. Hope U will make it working soon.

Future patreon member

I wanna play this game but it doesn't work on my android phone. :( No other device so I can't play. HOWEVER, I really love the artstyle the game has! Really well done on that end. maybe once I get a new device or PC, I'll try the game out and comment on it again